Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Block Party Cum Family Sports Day

The Annual Family Sports Day jointly organised by Moulmein CSC and our RC was held on Sunday Morning, 24 May 2009. More than two hundred residents participated in this event.

Coordinator Yeow Meng, lined up a series of interesting Telematches for the young and young at heart and everyone can be seen enjoying the morning.

RC members were busy making final preparation for the kicking off of the event, Chairperson, Madam Hamida is seen arranging the chairs.

The first event was the "Burst Your Balloon". Participants tied a balloon at their ankle and try to burst their opponent's balloon while avoiding his own balloon being burst. The winner is the one whose balloon stay intact at the end.

Guess who is the winner?

The next event was the "Find Your Group". The idea of the game is to see who are the last few participants left at the end of elimination rounds. The facilitator would call a number and participants would have to find his group to match the number, each elimination round will see one or two persons left without a group and eliminated.

Yes! They are the winners.

"Recycling is our Business" was the next event. Teams members have to form their skipping rope before the challenge to skip across to the opposite end. There they have to retrieve the recycle items such as plastic bottles, papers, cans and others and put them in the respective recycle bins before skipping back to the finishing line.

Next was the "High High Low Low" where participants has to guess correctly whether the next number is high or low. The winner is the one who manage to guess correctly the last number.

The final event was the "Build your Can Man" Each team was given a can and some recycled materials and they are to create their "Can Man"

And the Winners are:

The event ended with kentucky fried chicken lunch packet and lucky draws